A powerful way to do better, personally and professionally
“A grateful heart” may seem like an odd subject for a design and build remodeling company … but we don’t think so, given that we’re entering the season where we reflect on the past year (and wasn’t this one a doozy?!) and think about our blessings. This is also a time when we take stock and look to improve our performance, both professionally and personally.
At Renovations, we are constantly looking for ways to do better in our professional lives—identifying actions we can take moving forward. As we do, we notice those actions can also apply to our personal lives. We conduct business with a lot of different people. And, as we conduct our daily lives we also encounter different people. So what are some of the ways we can do better as we enter a new year?
One action we can take is to express our thanks more often. We can say it, we can write it. I know I do not use that phrase as often as I should—professionally or personally. When someone thanks me, it makes me happy, grateful to be able to help, and move whatever situation we’re in forward.
So, say it, often, to people that make you feel happy. From the clerk in the store that remembers your name, to the person who lets you ahead of them in the line, to the person who just went out of their way to help you or complete a difficult task. Say thank you. Write a note. Mail it or hand it to them. You will not only make someone’s day but you’ll brighten yours as well.
Another way to say thank you is to contribute. Your time, your money, or even belongings. One of our favorite construction nonprofits is Prescott Area Habitat for Humanity. The efforts of volunteers and staff help people up every day. The construction efforts yield homes for those that qualify for the sweat equity housing. The Restore takes in household items you no longer use or need and sells them to others to help fund projects. This organization is the real deal. Reach them at 928.445.8003 or online at www.prescotthabitat.org.
There are ways we can help others, and after all is said and done, isn’t that why we are here?
Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!