Spectrum Healthcare is now a certified provider of BioTE, a hormone replacement therapy

Do you have lack of energy, memory decline, low libido, and weight gain? As the body ages, it undergoes various hormonal changes that can affect your health and cause some of these ailments.

BioTE can help, and Spectrum Healthcare is proud to offer this innovative therapy for women and men through Bioindentical Hormone Therapy Replacement, or BHRT. This therapy may help relieve the symptoms of hormonal imbalance by raising hormones to their normal levels.

Research has shown that the physical benefits of BHRT are numerous, including added lean muscle mass, thicker hair, stronger bones, better brain function and focus, and enhanced sleep patterns. Each patient’s symptoms are unique, and so is each patient’s path to hormone optimization through BHRT, which is customized using pellets. Most BHRT patients report some symptom resolution in as little as four weeks, but full optimization may take up to six months.

So what exactly is BioTE Medical’s Pellet Therapy? The pellets are tiny, custom-compounded therapies—using hormones bioidentical to those the human body produces—inserted subcutaneously into the body in a quick, simple, in-office procedure as few as three times each year (which means it’s available when the body needs it).

The body gradually absorbs these pellets, dispersing hormones throughout the body. The BioTE method may help keep your hormone levels consistent throughout the day. It’s a simple, one-and-done process, and there’s no need to worry about remembering to take a pill or shot every day.

Ready to get started? At Spectrum Healthcare we’ll first do a comprehensive consultation and extensive lab work to determine each person’s candidacy for the BioTE method. Once we’ve reviewed personal results, we can develop a customized program and schedule the pellet therapy insertion. It’s time to age healthier, live happier, feel your best and begin to return to wellness with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy!

For more information, call 928.778.0330 or visit spectrumhg.org.