Tips for true health this season, and a reminder that it’s all about balance

By Emilie Wilson

Hello, fall! I love autumn in Prescott. Maybe you do, too? Crisp air, bright blue skies; the return of pumpkin, squash, and other comfort foods; Halloween and spooky ghost stories…

Many women’s lives speed up in autumn, with kids back in school, work projects on the upswing, and minds turning to holiday preparation.

As a doctor I see a pattern this time of year: every autumn, women feel invigorated about their health and come to me ready to finally lose weight, get blood pressure down, get hormones balanced, etc.

But autumn life is vibrant and stimulating and it’s happening all around them, so they easily lose focus on their own health goals. They live, they slip, and they feel guilty that they’re not being “perfect” (even though they promised themselves that this time, they would be).

They start feeling frustrated, hopeless, and even ashamed because they secretly worry that things won’t change.

But honestly, there’s no “perfect” in healthcare.

It’s really about balance: self-care and obligations, self and others, eating for health and eating for pleasure. The art is meeting in the middle as often as possible.

And I am no wellness tyrant. I will never slap that glass of wine or chocolate doughnut out of your hands. I will not deny you a pumpkin spice latte (but I will wholeheartedly recommend that you find a local coffee shop that uses a natural pumpkin spice syrup, not one with artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners!).

So to celebrate autumn, I have a gift for you: The (all about balance) Autumn Wellness Bucket List.

  • Celebrate the sun; it will be taking its rest soon. Walks, hikes, even meals or tea outside with people you really enjoy are medicine.
  • Breathe deeply. This air is precious.
  • Cooler air means better sleep. Find at least one night a week for an early bedtime.
  • Buy locally produced food, and select produce based on the vibrant colors it will deliver to your table (remember, color = flavor!).
  • Smile more, laugh more, and seek out moments of joy, connection, and pleasure. Life is happening all around you.
  • Remember that thing you loved about this time of year as a kid? Find it, do it. Share it with the people you love. Make new memories for yourself and your families.

As a kid I loved spooky stories. While my toddler is still too young for them, you will probably find us on Mount Vernon come Halloween, taking in the air and the sights and making memories together.

Dr. Emilie Wilson is a naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist, author and new mom. She founded Sanos Wellness to empower women for lifelong health and wellness, and to provide lifesaving postpartum support.