Area business owner and musician has lovely childhood memories of Prescott—and is loving her adulthood in this small-town community

Woman of Prescott Q&A

Prescott Woman Magazine chatted with Marilyn Mott, owner of Your CBD Store Prescott Valley, to find out what makes her enjoy Prescott and everything it has to offer.

PWM: How long have you lived in Prescott?

Marilyn: Ten years this September.

PWM: Why did you choose Prescott as your home?

Marilyn: I always wanted to live up north; My great-grandparents had a small farm over by Lynx Lake, so my mom and her brothers spent every summer here. She wanted the same for her children. I have lovely memories of Prescott. So when my job offered me a position here, I asked how soon, they said two weeks, and I jumped with both feet!

PWM: What is your occupation?

Marilyn: I am the Director of Community Outreach, Northern AZ, for the Better Business Bureau serving Pacific Southwest. My husband, Michael and I also own Your CBD Store Prescott Valley. We also perform around town with our band, Niki and The Mayhem, and by ourselves as well.

PWM: Do you have any kids?

Marilyn: No. We have one dog, Doc, whom we adore. And we have a niece and three nephews we are so proud of!

PWM: What is your favorite thing about living in the Prescott area?

Marilyn: The sense of small-town community and the temperature. Coming from Phoenix, I am grateful daily for the people and the cooler temps!

PWM: How do you think Prescott enhances your occupation and hobbies?

Marilyn: There are many surrounding areas that make it possible for me to hike every day and enjoy nature. Plus, the music scene is great here.

PWM: Are you working on anything new or exciting for the upcoming year?

Marilyn: I will continue to support local chambers, businesses, Strategic Networking Partners Northern Arizona, and present for the SBDC. On a personal note, we are booking more gigs with our band!

PWM: If you could contribute to anything in the Prescott area, what would it be and why?

Marilyn: I would like to create a life skills camp. It would provide education on how to face and overcome fear, the difference between currency and money, and natural herbs and medicinal plants we have been given on this earth. I’d love to be involved with something that encourages life-long learning.

Contact Marilyn at EMAIL ADDRESS. Learn more about Your CBD Store – Prescott Valley on Facebook: