Allison Lenocker

Allison Lenocker, a native Phoenician, has navigated a career path marked by dedication, leadership, and a passion for making a positive impact. Beginning with an internship at Fermi National Accelerator Lab in Batavia, Illinois, as her first job, she eventually shifted her focus to working with people. Allison joined the City of Peoria to work in adaptive recreation with adults with developmental disabilities. Her commitment extended beyond the recreational sphere as she dedicated over a decade to coaching Special Olympics.

In 2011, Allison moved significantly to Prescott Valley, where she embraced a new challenge: working with at-risk girls in a treatment setting. 2018, her journey with the Coalition for Compassion and Justice began as the assistant director. Allison’s leadership qualities shone through, propelling her to the esteemed position she holds today as the proud leader of the CCJ.

Since then, CCJ has gained recognition for its innovative approaches to housing, playing a pivotal role in the ongoing battle to end homelessness. Allison is a leader and a compassionate advocate for change, contributing to the collective effort to end and prevent homelessness in the community. Allison’s dedication to the heart of humanitarian causes showcases her versatility and unwavering commitment to always root for the underdog.


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May 6, 2024