Energy Updates
with KaylaEnergy Updates for Spring!
Energy Updates by Kayla for June and July
Editor’s Note: Look for this column quarterly. Kayla Garretson is a tarot reader/medium, subconscious mind coach, healer, and shamanic practitioner.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Expansion! The beginning of the new year asks for you to dream bigger, be bolder, and get ready for some changes. You might have to get outside your comfort zone. If anyone can do that, it’s you! “Allow the expansive energy of cosmic wisdom into your life.”
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Confidence! Explore what makes you feel confident. Notice where you normally lack confidence and direct some healing energy there. Do not fear the opinions of others, and don’t conform. “Conformity is not a necessity.”
Air Signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra). Intimacy! Deep connections, closeness, learning more about yourself/another. This is a time for learning and vulnerability. You may be embarking on a journey of self-love or starting fresh in a relationship. This energy helps us to feel like we are part of something bigger. “To develop an intimate relationship with nature is to form a higher connection with self.”
Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). Ingenuity! You will always find a way. Your practical viewpoints and grounded energy will support you in adjusting to new changes. Whatever comes, trust yourself; you’ve been through a lot, and you can do whatever you set your mind to. “Nature always finds a way, thus shall you.”
Energy Updates by Kayla for Winter
Editor’s Note: Look for this column quarterly. Kayla Garretson is a tarot reader/medium, subconscious mind coach, healer, and shamanic practitioner.
Water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces): “Sacred Union.” Some of y’all could be getting engaged or married!! On a deeper level though, this energy is the concept of bringing together everything you’ve learned and experienced over this past year and pulling in more closely what feels good to keep. What transformations have occurred that make you feel like a better you? How do you plan to carry that into 2025?
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): “Soul Purpose.” Take this winter season to explore more of who you are at your core. This is a great time to take some classes, learn something new, hire a mentor, and do some soul searching! You may need to deepen or intensify your meditation practices to tap more deeply into your truest soul essence. From there, you’ll gain clarity on next steps.
Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra): “Children.” Children are the highest expression of pure love and life! Play more these winter months. Get in touch with your inner child and deepen your bonds with your kids and/or pets. You may be inviting in something new! Come back to your innocence and joy.
Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo): “Ebb & Flow.” How can you let go of your need to be in control? Give yourself more space and time to reflect on all of the ways the Universe has supported you. Now is the time to trust your inner knowing and let go of the outcomes. Sit back and receive! And lean into gratitude every chance you get.
Energy Updates | Summer 2024
Energy Updates by Kayla Editor’s Note: Look for this column quarterly. Kayla Garretson is a tarot reader/medium, subconscious mind coach, healer, and shamanic practitioner. Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Your message: Power. Ask yourself if you’ve given your...