Strong Families, Happy Kids: Parenting Tips from Prevent Child Abuse Arizona

It can be easy to feel that no matter what we do, it’s never enough.

If you’re a parent or caregiver who is paying attention, this may feel familiar. There is a lot to care about—a healthy diet, extracurriculars, mental health, social activities, school, homework—and there are a lot of problems to solve.

It goes beyond our work as parents, too; we know we need to be doing more when it comes to ourselves … exercising more, eating better, being a better friend, parent, caregiver, or partner. Taking care of ourselves better. Doing more. Being more.

It can feel like we’re never doing enough.

The truth is, there is an endless list of things to care about. And there will always be someone telling you that you need to be doing more, or that you need to care about other things, too (even if that “someone” is yourself).

That’s the paradox of caring. The more you care, the less you feel that what you do is enough.

 Understanding this can be freeing. If you accept that you cannot actually do it all—that’s when you can get clear about what actually matters most to you.

Caring about everything means you are compassionate and that you’re paying attention, but trying to solve everything, pour your energy into everything, and do everything, is the best way to not only fail, but to lose your drive to try.

And the drive to try – the combination of your passion and your values- is your most precious resource. It’s the most precious gift you have to give. Protect it.

So although what you or I do will never be enough, it is also always enough. Because to do anything – to show up, to try, to stay curious a bit longer, to be open to learning, to put forth whatever your best is that day, to stay at the table even when it seems hopeless, to keep moving forward, even ever so slightly – that’s enough. Because it is always more than giving up. It is always better than doing nothing because you can’t do it all or can’t do it perfectly.

Accept that you cannot do it all. Accept that you will always be asked to do more. And then do what you can. It may never be enough, but you will always enough. The world cannot afford you losing your drive to try.

Editor’s Note: look for the Strong Families, Happy Kids column in every issue of Prescott Woman Magazine. It’s designed to support parents with actionable tips and strategies they can use to create optimal environments for their children to thrive. To learn more about Prevent Child Abuse Arizona’s mission and resources visit