Jenna Reily is fueled by her dedication to family and motherhood and her desire to empower others. Besides her three daughters (Kira, Kodie, and Kinlsey), she considers herself a “mama bear” and friend to all her gym members– High Desert CrossFit in Prescott Valley, AZ.

In 2007, Jenna graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and continued to Yavapai College to complete her Associate’s Degree in Nursing in 2010. These academic pursuits laid the foundation for her passion for caring for others outside of the home, but it is her role as a mother and a devoted wife that genuinely continues to fill her soul.

Her current season consists of busy days full of homeschooling, gym ownership, coaching classes at her gym, prioritizing her fitness, attending women’s bible study, and traveling for her daughter’s competitive cheer. She loves being outdoors with her husband Gene, having meaningful conversations with friends and her gym members, organizing fundraisers for veterans, and cooking in her kitchen for others. She feels blessed to have managed to continue caring for others through various entrepreneurial pursuits while having the flexibility to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher.


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May 6, 2024