By Joanna Dodder Nellans

If you’re looking for a home loan or even trying to save a purchase, it’s a good bet to seek out a mortgage lender because they focus only on home loans. That means they know the home loan business inside and out.

In Prescott, the folks at New American Funding mortgage company say they left other financial institutions just for that reason.

“I’d rather be really good at one thing than try to be good at a bunch of things,” said Greg Riordan, sales manager for the New American Funding office in Prescott.

Specialization also translates into more personal service from both Greg and New American Funding Senior Loan Consultant Leah Quinci share. They each boast more than two decades of experience in a variety of financial services.

“That’s part of my work ethic, to be there for customers,” said Leah, the other half of the New American Funding office in Prescott. She regularly meets in person with customers, and she’s even been known to take evening calls when customers face sudden issues. Her old-fashioned work style is a welcome change from the impersonal online loan companies.

After living in Prescott for two decades, Leah has strong connections with local Realtors and appraisers – important contacts that bank and credit union loan officers often don’t have the time to cultivate because they work on so many types of loans. Leah left the credit union field because she felt like it was becoming more like impersonal banks.

“It just makes for a smoother transaction when everyone already works well together,” Leah said. At the same time, their Prescott office has the support of a large national company, Greg noted. They also work with brokers on special cases, and even partner with credit counselors.

Some rules for mortgage companies are different than bank rules, and they work to customers’ advantage, Leah and Greg related. For example, they must take courses and tests to become licensed loan officers, whereas bank loan officers don’t need licensing. American Funding is a direct lender, meaning it services its loans instead of selling them off. And American Funding doesn’t include overlays in its loans like banks, meaning it doesn’t impose extra loan conditions. So it’s easier for customers to obtain loans.

In the end, both Leah and Greg said they simply love seeing people get their dream home. Greg especially enjoys the challenge of helping people who are having trouble finalizing their home purchases.

“I love saving deals,” Greg said. “It’s like a puzzle: how do I get this person into a home with the rules we have and the deals out there? That means a lot when I can help somebody with no hope.”