The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona Advocates for Pay Equity and Salary History Bans in Arizona

In Arizona’s vibrant landscape, a persistent challenge that demands our attention and advocacy is the gender pay gap. As we strive for equity and inclusivity, it is imperative to address this issue head-on and work towards creating a fair and just society for all, but more specifically for those who have been marginalized for centuries past. Additionally, we must consider the impact of disclosing salary history and its role in perpetuating existing inequities. The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona (WFSA) urges everyone to join us in advocating for change and making our voices heard.

The Gender Pay Gap: A Stubborn Divide

Women have long fought for workplace equity, yet the gender pay gap remains an unsettling reality. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, women in Arizona earn only 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. This gap becomes even more pronounced when considering race, as women of color often face even more significant disparities.

It’s disheartening that progress in closing the gender pay gap has been slow. Despite efforts over the last two decades, women in 2022 continued to earn only 82 percent of what their male counterparts earned. This wage gap transcends educational levels and occupations, persisting even in fields traditionally dominated by women.

Even in Arizona, where our communities directly benefit from the paid and unpaid labor of women, the gender pay gap is pronounced. Arizona women, on average, make $8,500 less than their male counterparts each year. Shockingly, this disparity exists across common men- and women-held occupations, highlighting the urgent need for change.

According to the American Association of University Women, Arizona has weaker equal pay protections compared to other states. This is a call to action for all Arizonans to stand up and demand more robust policies that ensure fair compensation regardless of gender.

Addressing Salary History Bans: A Step Towards Equality

One significant step in addressing the gender pay gap is supporting initiatives like salary history bans. House Bill 2262, currently under consideration in the Arizona Legislature, prohibits employers from using an applicant’s wage history as a determining factor in hiring, promoting, or employing decisions. This measure is crucial in breaking the cycle of perpetuating pay disparities over one’s career.

By preventing employers from demanding salary history, we can mitigate the impact of the existing pay gap. Women, who historically earn less than men, are often placed at a disadvantage when disclosing their salary history. Such transparency can further compound the inequities they face throughout their professional lives.

Currently, 22 states have enacted salary history bans, recognizing the importance of breaking the cycle of pay inequality. These bans have proven effective in narrowing gender and racial pay gaps and promoting greater transparency in employment practices.

WFSA implores all Arizonans to actively support and advocate for the passage of House Bill 2262. By doing so, we can do our part to demand worker’s rights for all.

Your Voice Matters: Register to Vote and Advocate for Change

Advocating for gender pay equality and salary history bans requires collective action. The WFSA encourages every citizen to register to vote and actively participate in the democratic process. Your voice matters, and by casting your vote, you contribute to shaping a future where everyone is afforded equal opportunities and fair compensation.

Visit to register, update your information, and stay informed about upcoming elections. Together, we champion policies that bridge the gender pay gap and create a workplace where women of all identities are valued and compensated fairly. It’s time to make our voices heard, for the future of Arizona depends on the strides we take today.

Learn more and join WFSA’s Advocacy Coalition today at