Divine Plant World

by Lindsay Redman
Ceremonial cocoa to help us pause, create space, and connect to the quiet and stillness of winter

Ceremonial cocoa to help us pause, create space, and connect to the quiet and stillness of winter

We can trace the history of chocolate back to the Olmec, Aztec, and Mayan civilizations of southern Mexico. The creation of the universally loved candy bar, originating with the beans of a cacao tree (known as Theobrama Cacao), is a beautiful and fascinating cultural discovery, one that connects us to ancient traditions and the botanical world.

The Theobroma Cacao tree produces large, multi-colored fruit pods, filled with as many as 40 cacao beans in each. Cacao beans are husked and roasted, then referred to as “cocoa” vs. “cacao.” Long before marshmallow-topped hot cocoa became a winter tradition, there was once a very different style of chocolatey drink.

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Three Sisters Synergy

Three Sisters Synergy

The Three Sisters demonstrates a beautiful harmony of companion planting, also considered a style of permaculture. Each of these plants possesses a unique gift, much like each of us. The corn stalk is tall and strong, the eldest sister who leads the way. Next the climbing bean; she is flexible and resourceful. Lastly, the youngest of the sisters is the squash. Grounded and relaxed, she provides much needed comfort to the other sisters.

Though the sisters are all very different, they love each other dearly. The Three Sisters show us ways that we can support those around us with friends, family, and community. They represent a bond, one that doesn’t seek to compete, but to achieve success as unit. The beauty and wisdom of the Three Sisters reminds us that we all have a gift to share. When we embrace those qualities within ourselves, we can offer them to the world and be stronger as a whole.

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