Garden Gal
Learn more about local gardening; brought to you by Watters Garden CenterCacti for Sunny Rooms
A chill is in the air, so the furnace or fireplace has been back to its warming work. This is a trying time of transition for many houseplants because the heated air causes the humidity in your home to drop.
The Best Autumn-Colored Tree
This is the season for trees with autumn colors … and not all trees are created equal. Increased garden success is had when plants are showing their colors.
The Birds and the Butterflies
Butterflies are some of the most beautiful and exotic creatures in the landscape. A butterfly garden offers two benefits: it’s an easy way to see more butterflies, and it’s also a way to help them since many local habitats have been lost to human activities like building homes and roads. It is easy to increase the number and variety of the winged beauties in your yard. Simply grow the plants they like to feed on!