Executive Director of the Yavapai County Contractors Association loves Prescott, its people, and its warm community spirit
Prescott Woman Magazine chatted with Sandy Griffis, Executive Director of the Yavapai County Contractors Association, to find out what makes her enjoy Prescott and everything it has to offer.
PWM: How long have you lived in Prescott Valley?
Sandy: I have lived in Prescott Valley for 15 years and prior to that I lived in the mountains of Prescott for 13 years. A log cabin home, no dishwasher, no garage, no washer or dryer. We had a wood-burning fireplace for heat and boy oh boy, did I learn how to be a mountain woman of sorts.
PWM: Why did you choose Prescott as your home?
Sandy: Beautiful blue skies, white fluffy clouds, and I was offered a fantastic position in the best industry ever – construction! We have the best – temperate climate, forests, lakes, hiking, biking, array of culture, Old West flair and such warm community spirit.
PWM: What’s your occupation?
Sandy: I am the Executive Director of Yavapai County Contractors Association and I say this all of the time: If anyone had asked me years ago if I thought I would be Executive Director of a construction industry organization, I probably would have replied, “Are you kidding me?”
PWM: Do you have any kids?
Sandy: No kids, but hundreds upon hundreds of contractors in my life on a daily basis, whom I adore and love.
PWM: What is your favorite thing about living in the Prescott area?
Sandy: Every day running into someone I know – either in a store or sitting next to someone at a traffic light, and then running into so many who know who I am because of what we do in the community, reading our newspaper articles, or listening to our radio shows. I can’t hide, that is for sure.
PWM: How do you think Prescott enhances your occupation and hobbies?
Sandy: Oh my gosh, I am so energized and thrilled to continue growing the promise of YCCA. I continue to love life and remain optimistic about tomorrow, next week, and next year. Hobbies: keep me out of the tool section of our hardware stores.
PWM: Are you working on anything new or exciting for the upcoming year?
Sandy: “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” I am sure everyone has heard that song and there is so much negativity in our world, my hope is that my little light will join with others, and together our lights will shine so bright, and we will all be better together.
PWM: If you could contribute to anything in the Prescott area, what would it be and why?
Sandy: To promote the word patience in life. I think the word patience should be written on every vehicle, bus, car, storefront, etc. I am always searching for a glow and a gleam of hope and life is not easy. We have those enthusiastic work weeks, only to be confronted by every hurdle imaginable and then find ourselves looking down and not up. It is love and thankfulness for living, working, and being a part of a truly wonderful place in the universe that we need to embrace.