Health Today
Featuring local health & fitness articlesCommander in Crisis
While most residents of Yavapai County spent the months of March and April staying home, contending with more free time than they’d had in as long as they could remember, Leslie Horton was working 16-hour days. While many local parents were with their kids 24/7 during this same time, Leslie saw hers for about an hour each day, at dinnertime.
Leslie is the Director of Yavapai County Community Health Services. Typically, this means she heads up the government organization dedicated to keeping the residents of this county healthy.
Spreading Love 1,000 Hearts at a Time
Volunteers restricted from visiting their hospice patients during the COVID-19 pandemic poured their energy into creating projects to bring joy not only to their Good Sam hospice patients but to local residents in assisted living, group homes, and nursing and memory care facilities.
Protecting Heart Health
If you are a woman with diabetes, your risk of developing (and dying from) heart disease may be greater than you think. Diabetes seems to erase – or even reverse – the protective effect women have against heart disease and heart attack, making women with diabetes significantly more susceptible than men with diabetes.
West Yavapai Guidance Clinic
Maybe your neighbor. Maybe your co-worker. Maybe a family member. Knowing no socioeconomic boundaries, some form of mental illness affects one in five adults who suffer from various mental health disorders.
‘For Mind, For Body, For All of You’
Spectrum Healthcare’s main objective for the past 65 years has been to assist individuals with their overall health. From physical ailments to mental struggles, Spectrum Healthcare has helped thousands of Yavapai County residents with their complete well-being.
A Physician with Heart
When Nisha Tung, MD, was a young girl she wanted to be a surgeon when she grew up. After all, she came from a family of physicians. Medicine was in her blood. Plus, her family had a history of heart problems. So, as an adult, she decided to enter the field of cardiology.
A New Approach to Healing from Childhood Trauma
Trauma often calls to mind soldiers overcoming the consequences of war, but what if our very own homes were battlefields, too?
According to the increasing research prompted by a CDC-Kaiser-Permanente study of 17,421 participants from 1995 – 1997, what we experience in childhood can have continuous effects on our physical, mental, and social health as adults.
The Best Year Yet
Are you ready to make 2020 your best year ever? Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC) recommends the following five healthy habits to inspire you to make the New Year the best year.
Fall Prevention for Older Adults
Every year, more than one out of four adults age 65 or older fall, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those who fall, more than 800,000 are hospitalized because of injuries, usually to the head or hip.
Arizona Provider Training: Paving the Way to Excellence with Quality Instructors and Programs
Arizona Provider Training (APT) has made its mark throughout the state by providing affordable classes and certifications in both English and Spanish that help students land a fulfilling job or further understand and prepare themselves for a current life situation. From school teachers, nurses, daycare center employees, babysitters, human resource employees, and Direct Support Professionals, graduates receive quality training by leaders who connect with the students by preparing them for real-life situations through authentic training and life experiences.
Thermography is Not a Substitute for Mammography
As a surgeon-in-training in Baltimore, Maryland in the 1980s, Michael G. Macon, MD, FACS, participated in a research study comparing two potential breast cancer screening methods: mammography and thermography.
“The hope was that thermography would measure heat throughout the breast and that this would be an indication of abnormalities in the breast, allowing breast surveillance without the need for radiation,” said Dr. Macon. “However, it was clear early on that thermography only measured the heat on the skin’s surface, which does not provide information on possible cancers within the breast. That’s why thermography was abandoned as a breast screening method.”
Breast Density: It Matters
You’re dedicated to your monthly self-exams and you follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for breast cancer screenings, given your age and family risk factors. But are you aware that it’s also important to know your breast density?